Langrisser Tri-Swords


Langrisser Tri-Swords was a part of the short-lived revival that took place around the same time as Langrisser Schwarz's announcement. The game detail the war between three different factions, while also involving some sort of time travel mechanism, allowing older heroes to appear.

As noted, Langrisser Tri-Swords was short-lived, furthermore it was a browser-based game, lasting little more than six months. As such information on this series is limited and as a result of the nature of the game, there will be gaps on the wiki. We encourage anyone with more information to please contribute to the site.

Game Information[edit]

  • Internet Browser Released July 18, 1991
    • Shut down December 27, 2012

Story and Guide Information[edit]


Langrisser Misc
Langrisser Tri-Swords Characters
Elisa Nadia Ruben Cyrein Takegami RulerSykesRisetteBridgetteAinrichtCharlotteElisabethClaudioAuroraCeylanRikuGregoriosFerrisRevereClarisEterna
Langrisser Schwarz Characters
Archmage Jessica Dark Prince Böser Kaiser Tica D. Tesla
Langrisser Schwarz Locations
Polaris Drake Demon Capital
Langrisser Schwarz Factions
Knights of LightThe Drake EmpireThe Dark Alliance
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